Monday 21 February 2011

You're Amazing;Just the way you are;

I want you to know that I think about you every day.
Sometimes I replay conversations we've had.
Sometimes I let myself think about the possabilities of this summer. Of seeing your face, hearing your voice, showing you the things that inspire me, that make me smile, that I live for. Showing you the books that changed my life, showing you the films that I cried at because they moved me the most, showing you the playlists that help get me through life.

You're always encouraging my writing, both intentiona
lly, and unintentionally.
You tell me that i'm mature, that my words matter. You make me feel like I can be who I want to be. And that's a successful writer, whose going to get an agent, and is going to find her way. And who is going to have not one, but a billion pairs of LouBoutin shoes.

It's beyond insane to think that I barely know you, yet yo
u occupy my mind, my inbox, my facebook..
I feel as though i've known you for longer than I have, but I har
dly know you at all really
But then I think of how exciting that is, and I cannot begin to explain how I feel at the prospect of getting to know you. Of hearing the way you laugh, of seeing that smile up close, of hearing your voice just speaking.

I feel as though you're always listening to me speak, usually about myself, my mundane student life, my dreams and aspirations. So here's something for you to read that for once isn't about me, it's about you.

I can't wait to see you. I envy the attitude you have with life. You take every second of every twenty hour hour day as it comes, with the most relaxed attitude i've ever known. I hope it's the same attitude that i'll get myself, with time. You're strong, in personality and identity. And God, are you beyond hot. Your smile makes me smile. And you're perfect.

I don't know why you first spoke to me, or even why you still do, but i'm glad.

So i'll just leave this message with this picture. I saw it, and it reminded me of you..

- Lo x

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